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March 6, 2025

Lunch: Baked potato with ham, broccoli & cheese, goldfish and applesauce 

Mr Springers classes go to study hall today please

HLV-TC 8th-11th graders interested in trying out for high school football cheer please click the link and fill out the form.  https://forms.gle/j6W3eovn35AJKBgU8 

Form must be filled out before April 4th in order to tryout. Tryouts will be done before the school year ends.

There will be a brief JH Track meeting  Friday @ 7:45 in Mrs. Hall's room.

Track Apparel link until 3/10 https://hlvtctrack25.itemorder.com/shop/sale/
Prom packets have gone out! Please return all Post Prom forms by 3/14! 

Happy Dr Seuss Week 

Thursday- Fox in Sox- wear crazy socks

Friday- Oh the Places You'll Go- wear a shirt with a college logo, a place you've been or want to go



 Tomorrow’s Breakfast: 

Tomorrow’s Lunch: (Change)Meatball sub, green beans, and peaches